For listed companies, the interim report is a key factor for ongoing communication with the capital market.
Interim reports influence your valuation
Interim reporting is one of the most critical moments in the financial year for all companies. As they contain new information about the company's financial position, they have a major impact on the share price. They also provide companies with an opportunity to communicate major changes in their business. A well-written CEO statement helps the market understand why the results look the way they do, and informs both current and potential investors about the outlook for the future. In the long run, high-quality reporting helps to strengthen trust in the company and its management.

Create a long-term strategy for your communication
Interim reports must meet certain requirements of the stock exchange. At the same time, the legal requirements for reporting are lower, meaning that an auditor does not need to review the report. It is therefore particularly important to be transparent and consistent in your reporting. A good idea is to develop a long-term strategy for what you want to communicate - and when you can and need to communicate it. We have many years of expertise in IR and financial communication. We always take a long-term view and can help your company streamline the quarterly reporting process. We ensure that you meet the requirements and create a routine in reporting that builds long-term confidence in the capital market.
We can help you with...
CEO words and text production
Project management and production of interim reports
Advice and support throughout the process
Production of digital interim reports
Design and concept development

We are passionate about great communication
We see all elements of communication as links in a chain, and a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Our vision is to offer listed companies a complete solution so that all the pieces fall into place.